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The Little Hours Ilmaiset Elokuvat Netissa Suomeksi

Ammattinimike | The Little Hours |
Kesto | 128 muistiinpanot |
julkistaminen | 2017-06-30 |
Lajityyppi | Comedy |
puhe | English |
silmässä | Lana U. Lamont, Henlee X. Brielle, Swan K. Jena |
The Little Hours 2017 yleiskuva
Man was I ever ready to love _The Little Hours_. It actually pretty much hadn't even entered my mind that I might not. Unfortunately, that was the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that _The Little Hours_ is terrible, far from it. It's better than a lot of the American comedies I've watched recently. But overall my experience with the movie would be described more as "interesting" or "different" or maybe even "okay" rather than a flat out "good".
I'm always happy to see Aubrey Plaza and Alison Brie getting work (especially outside of things like _Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates_ or _Get Hard_ respectively), but I was a _little_ disappointed by _The Little Hours_.
_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
**Not about an ordinary convent of nuns tale!**
I won't reject occasional film like this. This is not a masterpiece that I was looking for, but surely something different than usual entertainment. Very nicely made film, so I appreciate whoever involved in its creation. And then there's the beautiful cast. It was so perfect casting, each and everyone did their parts awesomely. So tell me who would bash such rare gem. Then the answer is like usual the film critics.
Aubrey Plaza is not a mainstream actress, but her films still make a stir. I enjoyed all her recent films and here's the another unique one. The third time she teamed up with the director, another decent comedy it was. Loosely based on the book, but it only spoofed. It tells the story of a convent of nuns somewhere in a lonely place. A new gardener joins them and the following events revealed as the thing that gets ugly and nasty. Many dark secrets unfold before it all ends.
I suggest it to you if you are bored with regular comedies. It was not powerful or a tale with full of twists and turns, but watching it once surely works well. It was a film filled with adult comedies. So not suitable for all ages. Especially those who strongly believe in religion would only get annoyed. Just watch it with an open mind, so the entertainment is guaranteed. Not overall a perfect film, yet still slightly an underrated film of the year.

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